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How to Choose a Good Tanning Lotion


When choosing a tanning lotion, the most important factor to consider is the active ingredient. Products with dihydroxyacetone or DHA as the key ingredient are the most effective. DHA is what makes the top layer of your skin turn tan. Remember that not all tanning lotions contain this substance, so you really have to check before buying one. 


DHA is a chemical which reacts with your skin's amino acids and create the brownish-orange hue, mimicking your skin's reaction to the rays of the sun during natural tanning. This tan, however, is going to disappear as soon as your skin sloughs off, which is around every ten days. That's why you have to apply tanning lotion regularly to maintain the color.


Although most, if not all, all tanning lotions contain DHA, there are some products that also contain erythrulose, which is a chemical that acts the same way as DHA, but takes longer to create a tanning effect. While erythrulose makes your skin look redder than DHA, it can help fight the orange tone which DHA may cause. This is why tan lotion usually contain a combination of the two ingredients.


Another factor to consider when choosing a tanning lotion is absorbability. It's not enough that you smooth on tanning lotion. You should do so evenly, and you can use your own hand or a wipe. Look for brands that absorb better. You may not be able to test a product's absorbability before purchasing it, but there are customer review websites that you can explore. These are actually very good sources of information that can help you find the product you want.


Because DHA in its raw form has a strong scent, a lot of tanning lotion manufacturers add fragrance to their products. If you shop around, you will find that these lotions come in different fragrances. Find something you like. Fragrance can actually help you develop a habit of using the tanning lotion regularly. Besides, that's how it works and that's how you can maintain your tan - by regularly using the product.


Because all tanning lotions have the same active ingredient, cost does not have any significant effect on the quality or potency of a product. Still you find that brands can vary widely in terms of price, which is a good thing because that means you can get a cheap tanning lotion and it will still work. Of course, if you encounter a product that is ridiculously cheap, you should be suspicious. 


In any case, remember that it's best to apply tanning lotion on clean and recently exfoliated skin. This helps ensure that the color will remain for longer. Also note that this product may collect in the creases of your skin, and on thicker-skinned body parts like your elbows, knees and the like. Hence, use it sparingly around these areas.

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